Sunday, January 25, 2009

Deployment to Sather AB, Iraq - 6

Good morning from Iraq! Well, its morning here, anyway. Just finished another very long triple shift and I just MIGHT have today off! LOL! Whewwwwww! That would be cool, but I won't know what to do with myself. I was supposed to be off almost 2 hours ago, but they threw an exercise in at the very minute I was about to get off shift. Figures.

I have been asked before "what do I miss"...I miss a stove top stuffing commercial on TV. Or any commercial. Here they have propaganda military ads about not drinking and driving, wearing seat belts, prevent sexual harrassment, etc. They aren't commercials. I miss driving a vehicle that doesn't outweigh your house. Here we drive ambulances and large humvees and trucks. Back home I drive a two door convertible! I miss wearing civilian clothes like jeans and a t shirt or slacks and a button up shirt if Im going out (another thing I miss!). Here its either your uniform or your PT (physical training) shorts, running pants, etc. They get boring after awhile! These are just a few things we ALL miss around here. Soon, we will be watching the Super Bowl and we'll miss the beer and other refreshments that go with it. You can't drink alcohol here in the war zone.

I wanted to also let ya know that the military computers don't allow us to access certain sites, like this one, and we also cannot plug SD cards or flash drives into any computers here on base or military wide due to some bug that was put in some of them at the manufacturer. So, I have not been able to do anything with the pics I have taken so far. I'll try once I get a laptop here. Plus, we are experiencing a shortage of CD-R disks on base and in country, and thats our only way of saving the pics. Lovely, eh?

Not much else to report, really. We are gearing up for the elections to be held in a few days. That should be fun, as mentioned in my last post. So far its been relatively calm. Now that I say that...
We are also gearing up for the big General's visit this week sometime. We've been cleaning house and making things sparkle as best we can in this toilet. I guess I shouldn't say that. Its growing on us. HaHa! I can say this: Time has sure gone fast! Its already been 2 weeks. I guess we are too busy to know what day it is or how long its been most of the time.

Well I will send more later. Hope all is well! Stay well, stay safe and keep in touch! Much love!


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